The Reticule
About Me
Site designed and maintained by Sauer Expressions

The Regency. It evokes thoughts of Jane Austen, empire waist dresses, crazy kings, and outrageous bonnets. Officially spanning the years 1811 to 1820, it draws its name from the form of government England was experiencing at the time--that of a Regent Prince (George IV) who took control after his father went insane (George III). Coinciding with the Empire period in France and the Federalist period in the United States, it was a time of prosperity and excess. It also marked the advent of the novel as we know it.
Most people extend the dates of the "Regency Period" beyond the "official" nine years. I have seen suggestions of up to 50 years! On this page I focus on women's accessories from about 1800 to 1820.

Being an Austenophile (is that a word?) with an interest in fashion, I have searched, not only for pictures and descriptions of the clothing worn, but for ways to make it myself. This page is mostly for those interested in doing the same. You will find tips for your own "Regency Regalia", as well as links, and my own hat shop where you can buy custom made Regency hats and reticules, as well as patterns. I hope you enjoy your stay, and come back to visit often!
Comments? Questions? Corrections? More Information? I'd love to hear from you! Please e-mail me:
I have made an effort to either take my clipart from copyright free sources, or gain permission from the owner. I am very sorry if I have inadvertantly reproduced a picture you own. If so, please get in touch with me. Because of this, however, I must also ask that you contact me for permission before using any of the art on these pages for your own purposes. That way I can put you in touch with the person who owns it. By looking at these pages, you agree to this condition.
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